How to Communicate With Your Partner: A Guide for Couples

Let’s face it—Life is getting more stressful every day and it’s hard, even on the best of relationships. If you and your partner are feeling frustrated, overwhelmed and like you don’t know how to communicate, please watch the video above that has everything you need to know about this course.

I know a lot of you are struggling with your relationships, so I’ve designed a quick and easy program to get you out of pain right away. You’ll be surprised at how just a few simple tools can take the pressure off and even get you smiling again!

Based on my dozen years of experience as a relationship expert, I’ve put together a very concise set of action steps you can take to improve your relationship right now. I’ve seen first hand what these game-changing tools can do for your relationship. It’s time to get back to basics and remember that you’re actually friends and lovers, even during the tough times.

Imagine how much more energy you’ll have to deal with life when you and your partner aren’t fighting or avoiding each other!

In this course, you’re going to get lifetime access to six state-of-the-art video modules that give you the concrete solutions to your biggest relationship problems. I’m going to show you why you and your partner get into trouble with each other and exactly what to do about it.

So take a look at what’s included:

Module 1: Foundations of Relationship Success

  • Why you need a customized roadmap based on the latest bonding science to relieve stress.
  • Why emotional safety and security are essential.
  • Get the basic tools to create a peaceful home environment.

Module 2: Discover Your Relationship Blueprints

  • Identify you and your partner’s unique intimacy needs.
  • Why some people need more space and others want to be closer.
  • Know your partner’s strengths and weaknesses in relationship.
  • Determine your respective attachment styles: The unique way each of you are wired to connect.

Module 3: Finding Your Couple Comfort Zone

  • Master the specific tools that each of you need to create a shared comfort zone.
  • Create space for those who feel boxed in by too much closeness.
  • Create moments of connection so you don’t lose touch.
  • Simple routines that help you balance work, family and couplehood.

Module 4: Creating Emotional Security In Your Relationship

  • Stop relationship problems before they even start.
  • Simple strategies to foster calm, reduce stress and create loving connection…and even some sexiness!
  • How a calm, loving couple supports the entire family.

Module 5: Negotiating Win-Win Solutions

  • Resolve differences of opinion without wasting valuable time and energy.
  • The dangers of one-sided decision-making: Why it doesn’t work when one person has too much power.
  • Concrete tools to work out your disagreements in a way that works for both of you (these really work!).

Module 6: Stopping Out-of-Control Fighting

  • Avoid the biggest mistake couples make that leads to out-of-control fighting.
  • Super easy tools to nip fights in the bud.
  • Clean up your arguments quickly so they don’t come back to bite you down the road.
  • The surprising trick to diffusing anger (you’re going to love this one!)

About Gabrielle

Gabrielle Usatynski is a Licensed Professional Counselor and relationship expert in private practice in Boulder, Colorado for the past 13 years.

Her work has won multiple awards, including the 2020 Top 10 Best of Boulder Award and Best of Louisville Award three years in a row. Gabrielle graduated from McGill University and holds a Master’s Degree in Clinical Counseling with an Emphasis in Couple and Family Therapy.

She is the founder and director of The Power Couples Institute, where she trains therapists worldwide.

Gabrielle is a sought-after speaker and has appeared on numerous relationship podcasts. She has over a decade of experience as a therapist, teacher, author, and educator.

Her work has been featured in numerous publications, including Cosmopolitan, USA Today and Parents Magazine.

Her forthcoming book, The Power Couple Formula, will be released in 2022.

She lives in Broomfield, Colorado with her husband.

Gabrielle Usatynski

Gabrielle Usatynski, MA, LPC